Tune of the Week: Echo and the Bunnymen
Echo & The Bunnymen are a seminal post-punk band from Liverpool, UK. Fronted by the tremendous guitar work from Will Sergeant and the haunting lyrics and vocals of Ian McCulloch their sound had all the mania and doom and gloom of your standard post-punk band. Their not-so-secret weapon was their drummer, Pete de Freitas. De Freitas’ patterns and fills were always inventive and physical, no matter the tempo. Not half bad for a band that started out with a drum machine for a time keeper! Galloping rhythms and expertly timed rolls are on display here, as well as a wicked guitar solo section that blurs the lines between the strings of a violin and guitar. All of that leads us to an ovation-worthy climax. Makes you think what they were thinking of when they dreamt THAT up.